System Update v1.0.0.7

System Update v1.0.0.7

What is new in this update

New Feature

  1. This update includes a lot of admin and user functionality which is behind the scenes. You won’t see much, however, there is now a new button on the home screen at the upper right called ‘My Account’ which allows you to edit your password, name and email address.
  2. We have added a percentage utilisation to the bottom of each day on the diary.
  3. The available testing hours and breaks can now be set up so users know what availability there is in a much clearer layout. Testers breaks are no longer appointments and the time for the break is not counted in the over all testing time.
  4. We have added a general and important notice area which the development team can use to alert users of forthcoming maintenance downtime etc.
  5. The news on the home screen is now split into 3 sections, for software update related news (i.e. this category), ATF software general news, and DVSA related news.
  6. We have introduced the newsletter sign up on the login screen. Here you can sign up to receive updates, surveys and other ATF Pro related emails.
  7. Booking Page – Job No and Order No fields added (you can also search on these fields in the Diary page).
  8. Booking Page – Net Total and VAT are now shown.
  9. RTS Code Search Page – new dropdown that will allow you to select how you want to search.
  10. We have changed the diary layout and moved the appointment key chart at the bottom of the page. You can view it by expanding this area. You can also switch on and off the visibility of the lanes you have available to you.
  11. We have introduced an ‘Appointment Waiting List’. As utilisation is important, you can make a list of customers that were unable to get a test on the day they wanted. Adding them to this list means you can offer any cancelled slots to these customers to fill gaps in your day.
  12. We have added 3 months of utilisation to your diary at the top right of your screen. Keeping this in focus shows you how you are performing for the whole month. Additionally, under neath each day on the diary shows you your daily utilisation.
  13. We have introduced a custom text area on the testers schedule where you can add text of your choice. This is edited in the settings in the ‘Misc Settings’ area

Bug Fixes

  1. The Calendar on the left of the diary which allows you to select dates now opens by default on the current month rather than always opening in January.
  2. Some of the DVSA codes have been changed to include better descriptions.
  3. Diary page – Description on the appointment will now show all RTS line descriptions and notes (this will only work from this update onward unless each appointment is updated manually).

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