ATF Pro official launch date

ATF Pro official launch date

The first official version of ATF Pro will be released on Monday 5th of March 2018. The software is designed to improve the utilisation of your test lane(s). Here is just a few of the reasons you should trial ATF Pro today!

  1. It creates a database of customers and vehicles and links them together automatically at the time of creating an appointment.
  2. You can have an active DVLA lookup which will retrieve vehicle details automatically to ensure you have the right number of axles for example to book the correct appointment.
  3. It allows you to have custom pricing for specific customers, and not just 1 variation, very easily, customers can all have individual pricing if you wanted.
  4. You can save notes against certain MOT tasks and customers so that when these are used it will display the notes. This is typically handy for cash sale customers where you can have this reminded to users when they select the customer should you wish to take upfront payments for cash sales. For ADR related bookings, any ADR task can remind staff to ensure that purge certificates are brought at the time of test.
  5. The following year the software will not only remind you of vehicles that are due MOT each month until they are booked, but the system also remembers what tasks were carried out the year before and will automatically suggest the same again, which of course is completely editable.
  6. The system has a built-in section for test lane equipment calibrations and fault reports. You can keep track of faults, upload reports, as well as get warnings when equipment is due calibration. Of course, you can also upload the certificates, so they are readily available for any member of staff.
  7. It also comes with an extensive reporting suite and auditing system to log the movements and changes to appointments. The reporting suite holds many customisable reports that allow you to monitor utilisation, costs, a complete list of customers, a complete list of vehicles and so much more.
  8. Not only will the system remind staff of vehicles due MOT, but you can also send reminders and booking confirmations to customers, so they don’t forget or turn up on wrong dates due any misunderstandings while booking.

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